FREDDY FRESH - 333 / Watch It Go Roun Roun

Label: Intrauterin


Format: 7inch

Genre: UK Bass / Breakbeat

Artikelnummer: 138009

12.00 CHF

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Freddy Fresh is a legend. Period. From a plethora of 12“es on labels like Nu Groove, Drop Bass Network, Forced Nostalgia, Spaziotempo, Lone Romantic or Toolbox Killers to albums on 90s scene mainstays like Harthouse, Anodyne or Eye Q to countless releases on his own imprints like Howlin Records, Analog Records USA and Electric Music Foundation. From remixes for the likes of GusGus, Heaven 17, Kitachi, Steve Stoll, Frankie Bones and many more to hitting the UK Top 40 with the massive BigBeat smasher „Badder Badder Schwing“ produced alongside Fatboy Slim. The man has done it all. Nearly. And therefore Intrauterin Recordings is proud to present the first ever Drum’n'Bass release in the more than 30 year spanning career of the one and only Freddy Fresh!

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